Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ninth Week - Something I Did

These are a sample of the designs I completed in 2002 for my then employer, CDK Music, a record label that specializes in classical music with Russian performers. I was an intern, engaged to design about 100 albums. I was paid in the form of music composition lessons from the famous composer/owner Evgeni Kostitsyn. I had a lot of fun working on these designs, as they were my first serious foray into graphic design. My responsibilities were to choose famous artwork that complemented the mood and style of the music on each album. Then, layout the text, logo, etc. of the cover (and back covers) in a way suitable to the artwork I selected. It took me about four months to do all 100 albums.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Assignment 7 (Part 2) - Table of Contents

This is a concept for the table of contents for the first issue of The Veradonirist (the same magazine for which I uploaded a conceptual cover last week).

Eighth Week - Visual Research

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Eighth Week - Something I Did

This is a potential cover for my film "Waken," currently under consideration. The figure of the woman (nymph), constructed out of leaves, was created by my graphic designer friend, Reggie. He and I designed the look of the title together. We also worked on the layout together (which is nearly complete, just the credits and legal mumbojumbo at the bottom are missing).

Friday, May 14, 2010

Assignment 7 - Magazine Cover

I'm planning to start a magazine called The Veradonirist. I'd like it to be monthly. The topic of the first issue will be "Emerging Aesthetics," outlining new styles and techniques in painting, poetry, and music. Generally, the magazine will be about art and politics. Most readers will read the articles in the form of my daily blog. Select articles will be released in each month's magazine, which will also be available as an e-zine. This is a conceptual cover for the first issue, featuring the paintings of my friend Sabrina Abbott.

Seventh Week - Visual Research

This famous Rolling Stone cover, featuring John Lennon (of Beatles Fame) and his notoriously eccentric lover Yoko Ono, achieved its dramatic impact with more than mere nudity. The color scheme is very controlled, subdued. The background blends in seamlessly with the skin, clothes, and hair. The pose is romantic, humorous, erotic, and pensive at the same time. The magazine knew it did not need to publicize the subject in text. Rolling Stone let the image speak for itself, further peaking the viewers' interest.

On this cover, we again see the power of a controlled color scheme. The bold lines and compelling colors in the illustration make a dramatic impact.

This cover of UpTown Magazine is intriguing. The faces of Obama and Spike Lee are superimposed, melded into one. It really grabs the viewers' attention, because it drastically tampers with an extremely familiar image. Like the first two covers, we see a very controlled palette.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Seventh Week - Something I Did

This is intended to be the layout for the center two pages of a small booklet that I will use to promote my film "Waken," working title "Spin of Fabrications."

It is not yet finished. Three screenshots still need to be added (in the blank white spaces). There will probably be some text on the bottom of the left-hand page when the booklet is finished. The cover of the booklet will be the poster design for the film (not yet completed).

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sixth Week - Visual Research

I REALLY like this poster. The color scheme couldn't be more subtle. Black and white is stark. Color is often busy. By using only shades of brown, this poster has achieved a subtlety that's simultaneously soft and striking. I like the collage elements of the design. It's beautiful and creepy. Like many of the other posters I've looked at, the intentionally unfinished look of the design makes it look very professional, artistic. I'm pretty sure the titles are just hand calligraphy. Very cool.

Sixth Week - Something I Did

In 2000, I designed this map with Roger Abbott. It is for a computer game concept I created. The game has not yet been produced. I drew the geography of the globe, named the cities, etc. Roger drew the illustrations and border.

Assignment 6 - Cubee Template

This is the JPEG image of my Cubee Template.

I could not figure out how to save the Tiff to the Printer folder: Groups, DMF, Miles. ?

I'll shoot Miles an email to see if we can work this out.